No One Wants to Work in America?
“It seems like no one wants to work these days”. A statement as tired as the next, such narratives have been tossed around more and more since the global pandemic in 2019. But how accurate is that really, and what is the real reasoning for this stigma?
In early 2020, America and the rest of the world went into lockdown, sending professionals home to their offices to communicate, connect, and continue virtually. While this change of scenery posed many issues for organizations and leadership, it also gave the workforce of America a chance to take a breath and re-evaluate their real interests as it relates to their career. This evaluation led us to the Great Resignation.
Whether it’s the service industry, healthcare, or education, the lack of employees has frustrated many into believing it’s from laziness or lack of motivation. However, the real determinant is the value the people of the workforce are placing on themselves. Salaries are not high enough, hours are inexcusable, and the lack of retention incentives have led employees to take a beat and search for an opportunity that not only contributes to the growth of their professional experience, but also places value on their time and efforts.
Organizations across the country have been implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts for the past few years, but what many don’t understand is that value and incentives fall under those categories. Inclusivity is all about taking the time to learn, recognize, and build a cohesive foundation for all employees.
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